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Grading system

Students walking through Polonsky Commons

Evaluation criteria

The instructor will make proficiency expectations clear, and will communicate the evaluation criteria prior to all assessments and progress evaluations.

Demonstrating and measuring performance and progress

You will have numerous opportunities to show how well you are doing through your assignments and engagement in course work and activities.

Instructors will assess the following criteria to evaluate performance and progress:

  • Engagement

    Attendance, participation, respect, commitment, collaboration, use of English, etc.

    Percentage: 25 per cent

  • Assignment

    Quality of tasks and assignments such as essays, reports and presentations, as per grading rubrics.


    • Task 1 (Week 3): 25 per cent
    • Task 2 (Week 5): 25 per cent
    • Task 3 (Week 8): 25 per cent

While you will receive marks throughout the course, your official transcript will only indicate a pass (PAS) or continuance (CON) for each level.