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Basic expectations

As part of our hybrid model, it is mandatory that students have an internet-connected computer that has a webcam, a microphone, and headphones/speaker. During class, students must have their camera and microphone turned on. We need to hear and see you, and you need to hear and see us. Students living in Canada must attend our two in-person days each week. 


Attendance in our program is mandatory.

Students are expected to attend all classes and be on time. Each hour a student is absent from class counts as 1 absence. Being late also counts as missing one (1) hour.

Disciplinary action will be taken if a student reaches 15 absences during the session.

Attendance is taken starting on Day 1 of the session.

The ELC reserves the right to refuse admission to applicants who do not adhere to the attendance policy.


English is the only language that we all have in common when we are together in and out of the classroom, whatever the level. To better learn English and learn it faster, it is necessary to speak it as often as possible. For these reasons, only English is used for communicating in class and during learning activities.

Students who do not comply after repeated reminders by the ELC staff and instructors will need to meet with the ELC Director and may be asked to leave the program without a refund.

Academic appeal

Students have the right to appeal a grade for an assignment or course.

Actions to take:

  1. Talk to your instructor immediately.
  2. If you believe your teacher does not understand your appeal, you may speak with your Student Resource Co‑ordinator.
  3. If you are not satisfied with the response, you may speak with the ELC Director.

Student code of conduct

The university community values and promotes respect, integrity, diversity and accountability among all members of the university.

All students must respect the university’s Student Conduct Policy. It is your responsibility to read and understand your obligations under this policy.

Academic integrity

  • no cheating
  • no plagiarism

ELC students (as with all university students), must respect the university’s policy on Academic and Non-Academic Conduct. Cheating and plagiarizing—using someone else’s work as your own—are examples of what is not acceptable.

Students must read the policies. The ELC instructors will help students understand the policies and will explain the serious consequences of violations.

Statement on respectful dialogue and freedom of expression

The ELC endeavours to provide a safe environment, conducive to personal and intellectual growth, not only free of discrimination, injustice and actual or threatened violence, but also characterized by understanding, respect, peace, tolerance, trust, openness and fairness. The ELC promotes and advocates academic freedom and freedom of expression. At the same time, the ELC ensures all members of its community can reasonably expect to pursue their work and studies in a safe and civil environment.

The ELC promotes the achievement of intellectual and personal growth through the exchange of information, ideas, beliefs and opinions. This includes dissemination and discussion of controversial topics and unpopular points of view in an academic setting.

ELC students and faculty have a responsibility to promote an inclusive, mutually respectful and safe environment and to exercise their right to freedom of expression and inquiry responsibly, in ways that recognize and respect the dignity, rights and freedoms of others. The ELC will not tolerate disrespectful behaviour, harassment and discrimination in any form.

If you are uncomfortable with the information being discussed during your program or feel that you are being disrespected or your rights violated, please speak to your instructor, your Student Resource Co-ordinator, or the ELC Director.


Making a serious request for the reversal of a decision.

Being dishonest or unfair to gain an advantage. Example: telling your teacher you are sick to avoid writing a test.

The result or effect of an action or condition.

Submitting someone else’s work/ideas and pretending it is your own.

Academic Conduct Policy:
A document that describes what the university defines as academic misconduct as well as what will happen to individuals who are accused of academic dishonesty.

Non-academic Conduct Policy:
A document that describes what is expected from students (their rights and responsibilities) and what consequences/appeal processes are allowed.